Adult Literacy
In the Gwembe Valley a large portion of the population is illiterate. When Sheri Jones moved there in June of 2013 she was confronted with the problem. After Exildah Kakoma, one of her employees, begged her to teac her how to read so she would be able to read the Bible, Sheri decided to start a program for Adult Tonga Literacy.
She teaches one class for students who don't even know the ABC's. Students sit under the veranda as Sheri teaches them letter formation, phonics, and the basics of literacy. The literacy class is free and a notebook and pen are provided for each student.
The second class is for students who know their letters, but cannot read.
The final class is for students who have completed the first 2 levels of classes and need practice. Each week they gather together to read from the Bible. Each student reads one verse of scripture and then the next student continues with the next verse. They discuss the meaning of the scriptures and basically have a Bible study. Each week the students are giving a memory verse that they must be able to write the next week. At the end of the class if a student has memorizd 10 verses and brings $2 they are given a $13 Tonga Bible. The purpose on the students giving money is so they will value the Bible more.
The students in the adult literacy program are learning hwo to read and write. This skill will open a mirad of opporunities to them. Additionally, we hope the knowldeg will be multiplied as they teach their children and enighbors hwo to read. The program also teaches the students hwo to read the Bible which is more difiult than casual reading. The Tonga used for the Bible is not always in the common venacular of the people. Furthermore, the students are learning hwo to understand the Bible and learn what God was speaking when it was written as well as what God is speaking to us today. These skills in understanding God and His Word will forever change the lives of the students.
She teaches one class for students who don't even know the ABC's. Students sit under the veranda as Sheri teaches them letter formation, phonics, and the basics of literacy. The literacy class is free and a notebook and pen are provided for each student.
The second class is for students who know their letters, but cannot read.
The final class is for students who have completed the first 2 levels of classes and need practice. Each week they gather together to read from the Bible. Each student reads one verse of scripture and then the next student continues with the next verse. They discuss the meaning of the scriptures and basically have a Bible study. Each week the students are giving a memory verse that they must be able to write the next week. At the end of the class if a student has memorizd 10 verses and brings $2 they are given a $13 Tonga Bible. The purpose on the students giving money is so they will value the Bible more.
The students in the adult literacy program are learning hwo to read and write. This skill will open a mirad of opporunities to them. Additionally, we hope the knowldeg will be multiplied as they teach their children and enighbors hwo to read. The program also teaches the students hwo to read the Bible which is more difiult than casual reading. The Tonga used for the Bible is not always in the common venacular of the people. Furthermore, the students are learning hwo to understand the Bible and learn what God was speaking when it was written as well as what God is speaking to us today. These skills in understanding God and His Word will forever change the lives of the students.