On the 2nd of January we received a knock at our door about 6:30am that our headman was at the gate with sad news. We went to talk with him and found out his wife had passed away giving birth about 1:00am. He wanted to know if we could help with his little girl. When the shops opened in town I went to buy infant formula clothes diapers plastic pants bottles everything needed for us to care for his little girl. I called our house moms and it was decided Mama Elizabeth would care for her. She was only 18 hours old and had no name yet. Everything happened so fast for the family. We received the baby from the Hospital and by 10:30am we had arrived at House of Faith. All the information needed will be received after the funeral. Keep this family and their precious 4lb baby girl in your prayers. The same day we received a new baby our older children and Mamma Benita were making the big move into Kalomo. I could see the excitement in their eyes but also a wonder of what town would be like. Michael spent the morning repairing the beds from the move and taking a few apart to get into the bedrooms. They will start school on the 11 of January. Just enough time to get them settled, enroll them into school, buy uniforms and shoes what a busy week we have coming.... :) The children are settled and 6 of the 8 are enrolled into two different schools here in Kalomo. Our last two were told to come on Tuesday after school started on Monday to get signed in. We spent two mornings shopping for school shoes, uniforms, backpacks, belts, socks and school supplies. Just need to shop for the last two children after we find out which school they will go to. Each school has a different uniform. They are so excited! I hope I still see that same excitement when their first assignments are given :) I brought into town the older children's games from House of Faith and we learned how to play Rummkuib a numbers game. They will have a game time after their studies are done. They even started a new devotional book and have the opportunity to be in church 4 times a week :) here in town. House of Hope's new team housing walls are coming up each visit to the valley. We are excited to see this. The road up the hill is also looking nicer each trip... I spent my morning at House of Hope at a nearby school still working on Global Orphan Reliefs orphan school program making sure the school had the updated list and that receipts and uniforms for our 65 children there would be ready for me on the 15th of January when I next visited. Michael spent his morning walking to the Lake with the kids and he was so surprised at how far they now have to walk to get to the LAKE. It was a10 min walk that has now turned into a 45 min walk. Our Lake is used to produce power with the Kariba Dam. Water is a major problem of our black outs in Zambia. We still have not received rain in over three weeks now. Our trip in for Physical Therapy with Victor and Royal went well and we are seeing much improvement with Victor. He is no longer using the stander but is standing on his own at the window. He did not like doing it but would not turn lose :) Royal laughed the whole time he was on the ball... These boys love coming into town with each other twice a month. Daisy and Flyness needed to buy something at the market so we had the boys on the back seat by them selves they looked so grown up :) We had an invitation to an Ordination Service in Zimba for Sweyn Sikayasa and his wife Veronika. So proud of these two. Living their lives to share with others the Love of Christ. The pictures are not so great but you can at least see them :) I am also in charge of shopping for our extended care kids for uniforms and paying their school fees. I was so blessed to spend a little time with Livity shopping in town for what he needed to get into grade 8 at RR Basic school. Keep these kids in your prayers as they move up in age and on with life :) While in Zimba last weekend we saw maize crops that maybe will not make it.... Rain is so needed in our area... Pray for rain, so many people depend on this crop to live.... Our last two House of Faith kids are now enrolled into town schools and everyone has had their first week of school. Exciting times in Kalomo :) Michael and I went to Lusaka to buy ZEduPads, solar panels and batteries. This is a tablet filled with grades 1-7, 1000's of lessons in English and 8 local languages. We are so excited for a donor who loves to help orphans. It will be used by our teacher Ronald at our catch up school at House of Faith. Keep our kids in prayers as they begin to experience school in a whole new way :) House of Hope team housing is moving on up :) we are so excited they are preparing for the ring beam above the windows. Also the road is almost ready for driving now it has taken time but is looking great. Four of our five boys at House of Hope after they returned from early classes at school. We finally have a name for our newest little girl it's Edinah she is growing well and has increased to 4.8 pounds. We received three small showers last week and it was enough for the children to apply their urea fertilizer so we are very thankful. I did see a very sad thing on my way out of the village a couple of maize fields had been plowed under becasue no rain came in time for them.... More shopping with extended care kids for school uniforms this week. Sharon made very good grades and will be in grade 8 at RR Basic. Michael is teaching MOT MOT twice this month and we still have a lot of work to get done to have a charging station for the tablets using solar at House of Faith. I did bring a couple tablets out so our teacher could look at them and the children are excited to learn in a new way very soon. This young man could use your prayers... He is in our extended care program and is maybe 22 or 23 years old. He is having serious health issues. We are trying to support him emotionally and physically through his time of need. We ask that the Lord would be near to him and reveal great and mighty things to him. Michael is always excited to go deep into the word of God with fellow believers. He has just started his third class of maybe 30 -35 Pastors and lay leaders in Monde. His Sunday's out to far away places have also been blessed. The Lord is moving in these small villages and he is blessed to be able to go. We are so blessed and thankful the rains have finally arrived! They are still spotty and not in all areas of the country but the children's fields and gardens are coming along after about 5 weeks of no RAIN. Thank you for praying and please continue. I was so surprised that with no watering of the garden we still have okra coming. The Lord is blessing us.
AuthorLinda Jones was a missionary for over 27 years. She went home to be with the Lord in June 2021. I'm her husband Mike, posting on her blog. Archives
October 2021
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