We were so excited and blessed with a team of 6 from Engedi Church. They played with the children, painted, shelled maize (corn), went out on a Jesus Film showing visited a local church on Sunday morning and shared a worship service with our kids before going to Livingstone for a couple of days of fun. Thank you Team Engedi! The next several pictures are of the team and our fun at House of Faith. We had so much fun traveling with our 7th graders to share the Jesus film at Swart Farm for a group of children who requested to see the film. It was COLD.... Worship with the House of Faith Kids! Sitting singing English songs standing singing Tonga songs.... Sunday Church Service So very blessed with the clothes they brought for the children... This team did so much even painting our doors and bar doors, thank you team Engedi. Justine learned how to get BIG BUBBLES! We have been trying to get a project done since last January. We had problems with the barrels we bought and could not get them opened up to use. Michael finally used an electric saw with an invert-er using the vehicle battery and got them cut so they could not hurt the children. I wish I had a video with the sound the children made the first time they got on the barrels! What excitement of screams and laughter.... they were to be crawled through but turned out to be BIG swings.... Oh well as long as the children are enjoying the finished product. All the children where wondering just what Uncle Mike was doing with rope and barrels... BUT now they know and are so excited.... After the excitement went down a bit they were told only two people on top of the barrel and one inside... NO one is allowed to stand :) There have been three Jesus Films showings this month. We are still seeing this FILM touch so many lives for Jesus. Keep these new souls in your prayers that they can be disciplined and serve the Lord in their areas. As I was preparing the evening meal for the team I heard laughter and a yell. I went out to see what was going on at our open pit. To my surprise the boys had decided to run and jump in the shucks they had hauled over to put in the pit. Someone was under and someone jump in on top of them..... Always something happening when you are around 40 some children. House of Faith has been having water problems for a while and we have hosted two teams with very little water. So blessed for the help House of Faith has received from Engedi Church for a new well. Michael made contact with Global Samaritans Drilling team in July and shared that we needed a well drilled and a date was set. That date was the week Michael was out teaching and to our surprise we received a call back and the date was moved up so Michael could be around. What a great team to work with. WE GOT WATER! It was so awesome to lead these two BIG trucks out to House of Faith. After searching for water with medal rods a place was decided and drilling started. Our kids were so excited they wanted to be right beside the drillers... So thankful for our fence to make sure they stayed away from the heavy equipment. Water was found at 53 meters before their knock off time that afternoon but Michael requested for them to go deeper to see if a larger amount could be found. We need more WATER. The next morning they started about 6:30am and by 9:30 am good water was found at I think 63 meters. So blessed with the Global Samaritans Drilling Team There will have to be a shopping trip to Lusaka to purchase the Solar Pump and equipment to run it. Updates will follow..... Well Golden recovered from Malaria and did a great job with his team putting on a BIG roof at House of Hope. This is a new design by Michael to keep the SUN off the Bricks so they don't heat up so much. Time will tell if it works or not. There is a turbine in the top to keep sucking the hot air out. So our cross lighthouse design is getting a lot of local attention just like the House of Faith Activities Building received. The upper row of square openings in the roof is a loft area. So exciting.... This is what the roof looks like from the inside looking up :) Pretty Awesome. Gideon was holding onto the OX cart running with it as the boys were pulling it themselves to haul some bags of maize across the yard to another area. Well it went faster than he could run and he fell. There was really no swelling but he refused to stand and shared were his leg hurt. We came into Kalomo thinking the Xray machine might still be broken and we might have to go to Zimba. When we arrived late afternoon it was working . We saw a small crack on the Xray and he was plastered as they say here or a cast was put on. It has not stopped him one bit and he is all over the place but scooting on his bottom :) I got his picture this morning and he is such a cutie. Keep Gideon in your prayers he needs to keep this for 6 weeks. I know he will have to be re-plastered before his time is finished in the cast. Special letters arrived with the team for several children even some hair bows for the girls to share. I will be putting the pictures up in the activity center soon of all the fun things they did with the February Team who shared a VBS with them. Thanks Julie and Kaylee... When I do a double run with the boys for therapy I get the see the moon going down and the sun coming up all within my hour drive out. It was beautiful this morning. Again it was Physical Therapy time for Royal and Victor. I had a long talk with Frances and it was decided we could bring the boys every two months. We are now on the look out for another helper with the boys to make sure everything is getting done that needs to be done for them. Right now there are no tight muscles. Jo Anne started them on a new path and we want them to excel and be ready for even more. Frances showed us some exercises for Royal to try and strengthen his arms so he can better feed himself. We are also going to be looking for a way Victor can also use Royals stander. He really loves to SIT. We had almost a two hr appointment when Frances was the only one in the office and many were waiting. Thank you Frances for taking the time to help move our boys to the next step. Michael has been out for teaching and back home for the night then out with the Jesus Film it is just that time of year. He loves seeing new churches coming up. He has also been to several ordination celebrations. We are so blessed to see our friends moving on with the Lord. It's also Camp Meeting time and what a blessing to see several Churches come together to hear from the Lord. Mama Lizzy always has a beauty garden at House of Hope. Our February team sent out pictures with our July team of the kids while they had their VBS. I finally got them posted in the Activity center and the children love them.... Thanks Julie and Kaylee. We are putting up more fencing around the new borehole so when we receive the solar pump the area will be secure to get right to work on setting everything up. Septic System at House of Hope is almost ready for pipes then they can cover it up and it will be ready for use :) House of Hope kids writing Sheri letters! They really miss her... I wonder who taught them how to make silly faces for my pictures?
AuthorLinda Jones was a missionary for over 27 years. She went home to be with the Lord in June 2021. I'm her husband Mike, posting on her blog. Archives
October 2021
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