The afternoon of our arrival back into Zambia I had a visitor at the gate with news of a baby needing help. It was arranged to meet with the family at House of Faith. Seems the mother was fine after the birth of Musunda and just two weeks after she died. It was very sad talking with both sides of the family. They had been given infant milk but were struggling to keep the baby. The older Auntie looking after the baby looked exhausted. Because it was a Saturday we received the baby under the conditions I needed to present the case to Social Welfare and we would meet again next week to hear the results of my call and sign paperwork if it had been approved. It was approved and the family was so blessed. We are hoping after the baby stage Musunda will return to his family. He is a precious little boy. Michael went out his first Saturday back to finish organizing for a orphan relief program in Chief Chikanta area. We are so blessed to be working with area churches in several communities to help these precious children with a hot meal each day and maybe some school fee assistance . This is the committee who is helping to organize the new programs. Six different churches are working together as the body of Christ! Sunday services are still in a different church each week for Michael. I stay back in Kalomo so I have phone service in case I am needed to help with the children. I have started attending a new church here in Kalomo with friends who just graduated from Bible College in July. Keep Kelvin, Azuria and their family in your prayers as they start a new work for the Lord here in Kalomo. We just received a new baby bull from Mission Of Love. Thanks Jako and Amber for another blessing that just keeps increasing.... Our last work team brought out really wonderful bags filled with everything a girl needs to go to school with confidence during her time of monthly cycles. We had a talk with our older girls and they were so excited for this special blessing. Thanks team Engedi House of Hope activities and team accommodations is moving slowly. Our builder is blessing area churches with his knowledge of roofing their church buildings before the rains arrive. The septic system is complete the side roof is on and plaster has been put in the small side room. The electrical box has also been installed and ready for power. With the overhang of the roof on this building it is keeping the very bright sun off the bricks and the place is so much cooler in a VERY HOT place. We departed early with supplies for Bulyambeba to interview and set up for the first orphan feeding program. I was wondering how our day would go and I was very blessed to find the group of area churches prepared for the day. The children and their relatives were waiting on us as we arrived before our 10:00am start. It is a far out place and the road is not so good the last hour drive. I felt all shuck up. The next few pictures are of that special event of interviews and the giving of supplies to start the program. 51 children were interviewed. Pots, storage containers, for beans and Kapenta, plates, salt, cooking oil, onions everything needed to start the program was given and Monday was set to begin. We traveled back out on Monday and again was blessed to see everything in order for a HOT meal. The children had smiles on their faces and their plates came back so clean we thought they had already been washed :) Michael was invited to a Livingstone District New Church plant. It is so wonderful to see new beginnings popping up all over Southern Province. Because the first Feeding program started so well we decided to help start two more. N'Gombe and Kashu. We interviewed 37 children in N'Gombe and 29 in Kashu. Again we took out supplies and shared with community leaders and Pastors. the next couple of pictures are of the leaders giving their love and time to feed the children each week. There are still 5 more areas the community has visited with names of orphans who could use a meal. We will access at the end of the month to see how things are going and maybe the other 5 areas might start in Jan 2017. Keep this new program in your prayers. Jesus Loves the little children. Michael again traveled far out for a service and the Lord blessed his people with many answered prayers. As we interviewed children in three different areas we came across two we thought needed our help. Seems a mother died just a week ago and her sister is caring for the 8 month old little girl. We are helping with Infant formula for a few months to see this family through. She is precious little girl. The other child was also a girl who had been bitten during her sleep by what the family thinks was a snake. The story was not to clear but the grandmother did not have transport money to take her to the Hospital. Her upper and lower arm had grown together becasue of the way she had held her arm from the pain and there was sores on her elbow. We gave the grandmother the money needed to take her to Choma Hospital and shared we would check back in on her next month. I am praying something can be done to help this little girl. Victor and Royal had a Physical Therapy visit this month and a new therapist shared a few new things to do with them both. We are always blessed to have people give us hope that one day these little guys will walk. It was a blessing to have them tell us everything we are doing is working but will just take time. Royal was able to put his feet flat on the floor with his knees straight :) I m still trying to get him to Cure Hospital in Lusaka for leg braces and hand splints. Everything has to line up for this trip because I am also seeing another Dr with Mackmore and Victor. Keep praying We have also hired Caroline to work with Royal and Victor. She comes 5 days a week 3 hours a day in the afternoons. Jo Anne had given some things to our moms to be doing with the boys. I found it was not being done everyday and felt this was to important to let slide. It has been working well so far. Royal spends time on a board playing in the sand and mud with his hands and some swing time in the tires then stander time again working with his hands. When I arrived back from the states the first thing he showed me was how he could raise his hand to his mouth several times in a row not missing his mouth. I knew he was proud of himself. Victor also gets a work out with sitting and standing from a small covered brick with his knees now working well together. playing with blocks in a pouch getting them out and putting them in. Kicking a ball while sitting in a small chair. Victor is scooting... he does not crawl but has started getting around moving his legs and bottom to kinda scoot.... I was so surprised to see this new activity he has started.
September has been a very special month for us! We did something we have never done before in our almost 23 years in Zambia. Michael's family had been planning a surprise 80th Birthday celebration for his dad for almost 1 year in advance hoping to get us all together in one location. We have seen family each trip back but it has been individually and not all of us at the same place at the same time. They pulled it off! Two cottages were rented on the Outer Banks of NC and plans started taking shape. We organized everything here for a month away and I was so blessed on my return to see how everyone had worked together. Everyone was at the beach except Pam and Mario's family from Germany and Lanie's husband who is in the Coast Guard. They just could not work it out to be with us. There was 40 of us total! The Lord is so good! Michael's dad was told he was going to have lunch with new friends he met at church and a suitcase for his weeks stay was secretly packed and put in the trunk. Kathy did a great job keeping things a secret and getting him there. We made some new family memories and hope to do this again in the future. When my mom found out about this Birthday Celebration for Bobby she got excited to be able to see all our family together and planned a Sunday Church service and lunch to try and get with her side of the family. What a wonderful Berry reunion we had, it just wasn't long enough. My brother even surprised us with a long weekend visit from MI. Michael and I were blessed to attend his 40th class reunion in Elizabeth City on the 3rd of September. It was wonderful for him to see old friends and enjoy hearing all the wonderful reports of how his class was being used for the Kingdom. I believe there are 9 preaches in the group. We also enjoyed a Sunday Breakfast and Church Service with some of the visiting out of town group. I so enjoyed my Mamie time with our 7 grandchildren and missed the others from Germany. One day I am still praying to have us all together. It was surely a month of family fun! I am sorry this blog was late. Since we arrived back in Zambia the end of September our internet service is still not up and working. I am having to be creative to get this posted. |
AuthorLinda Jones was a missionary for over 27 years. She went home to be with the Lord in June 2021. I'm her husband Mike, posting on her blog. Archives
October 2021
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