We have received another child a 2 year old girl named Diana. Another child still not sure of white skin. I am thankful after 4 days out both the children are now ok with me being around them and even give me high fives like the other children. Of course 2 week old baby Peter has no problems with me holding him and loving on him. While I was out this week I checked in on our kids doing school. I was so blessed to see them using their I School tablets taking a small test before they went on in the subject. Teachers Ronald and Kelvin are doing a great job with out kids. One thing I have been truly blessed by is hearing them teach in English. In the community school nearby it is mostly taught in Tonga and when the children get to grade 8 in Kalomo they struggle becasue it is all done in English. We are seeing a different in this years grade 8 students. Last years grade 8's are still struggling a bit but are catching on and for that I am so grateful.... We have a team coming in June with teachers! Praying they can help catch up a few of our children needing something extra. The children planted Sweet Potatoes in our garden area this year along with a few beans. The sweet Potatoes are loving all the water... not sure about the beans will have to wait and see. Mackmore has been taking his hearing aid out and Mama Mary is nervous it will be lost in the wet grass. I thought to buy a couple of head bands to try and keep it in his ear. So far he has not been taking it out but the other children have taken the headband off to put on themselves. Always a challenge around here. The double orphan child Michael has been helping with a large head (water on his brain) has had treatment in Lusaka and we believe he will be ok. The large open sore on his spine has been removed and closed and the fluid has been drained from his brain. There is a review this month and we are expected a good report. His name is Ernest please keep him in your prayers. Luuwo one of our 20 year olds has been helping at House of Faith with all our babies. Her relatives will be meeting soon to help plan her future. Keep Luuwo in your prayers. She is such a blessing. My adventure was shared in our newsletter about my first time to be stuck in sandy flooded waters. I just thank the Lord he had it happen to me with the only working tractor in our area about 1,000 feet away. I now know what it is like to kinda be stranded in the village not being able to get across the rushing river and flooded streams. It is not a great feeling. I have taken out a few food items that can be stored like peanut butter, crackers, rice, oatmeal, cereal, boxed milk just in case I get stuck again in the near future. Also I saw that when I rocked the vehicle trying to get out of the sand and water I buried the back tires but it got the engine out of the water... Everything happened in a good way for me and I am so grateful. I got back into Kalomo safely after a extra day and night and it took 2 hours and 15 mins to drive the normal 1 hour. We had planed to go and check out the progress on the building at House of Hope mid week. We had passed much of the mountainous areas leading us into the valley when we saw many cars and trucks stopped. Then we saw the sign ROAD CLOSED Oh my what should we do now. Michael got out and ask some questions. Seems the two areas they tried to fix with many tons of coal so people could still pass one area dropped and washed away no one can pass until they get the temporary bridge constructed. They cut a one lane road around the mountains so people can get in and out of the valley We heard it reopened late Friday and went down early Saturday. Life is always an adventure here, thankful we made it....One area is still holding with the coal. We found the Actives Building at House of Hope moving slowing but moving. Two bedrooms and two bathrooms have been plastered and have their cement floors. The big room has half a roof and then one more bedroom will need to be done roof plaster and floor. We are hoping to make a trip to Lusaka for the finishing supplies wiring, toilets, sinks, etc. Hoping our two July teams will be able to stay there. A few of our House of Hope kids.... Visiting on a Saturday I was excited to see them all. With their school schedules I am always missing 4 or 5 of them. We have a new baby calf that was born the last week in March at House of Faith. The children loved watching him wobble around his first couple of days It's that time of year when you really need to keep a watch on your fields. We were told children in were in Mama Mary's field helping themselves to some pumpkins and goats in the children's field helping themselves to maize and knocking down the stalks. I went to check in on the children's maize before I came back to Kalomo and found about 18 goats helping themselves again... I followed them and found out who's they were. Seems the children where in school and the goats were just enjoying themselves while no one was watching them. They belonged to our Pastor so I went for a chat to ask PLEASE have someone keeping an eye on your goats they are enjoying our maize. The children's maize is looking pretty well and will soon start drying. We are hoping our May team can help the children harvest. Weeds have the prettiest flowers sometime but they are truly just weeds. I have always loved daises... We have three guava trees almost ready to pick fruit on. The children are always pick it to soon... Trying to teach them to leave it on a few more days until it is kinda a cream color. Our chickens are doing very well this year we have almost 60 larger ones and so many babies it is hard to count them all. Well the rivers and the streams are not flooded anymore and things are getting back to normal with transport out of the villages. We will start therapy back with the boys soon and we have a little girl Faith who has had a couple of asthma attacks and she is only 15 months old. This last one she was in the hospital for a week. We thank the Lord she is smiling and happy again but keep her in your prayers. We started this week preparing for teams. Cleaning the team rooms and the storage closets and getting schedules together so nothing will be last minute. Keep me in your prayers, we have 4 large groups and a group of my Carolina family members also coming making it 5 groups in 4 months! I am so excited to have them visit.
What a great month for RAIN! Our prayers have been answered and crops are getting what they need for what looks like a great harvest. It has been a challenge to get food out for the kids at both sites this month. Rivers have been over flowing and our travels have been interesting. We are blessed our vehicles can pass through high waters if Michael is driving. If it is above my knees I dont like to try it. :) Our trip out with Mid month supplies we could not pass. the waters where very high and rushing. Michael stood on the back of the truck to try and get a single with our phone to call the ladies. He was able to use the speaker phone and get them to bring the Ox cart to collect the food on the other side of the river. He made several trips across with eggs, cabbage, tomatoes, bread buns and meat. Mama Daisy was traveling with us and decided she would cross the river so she would not miss any more days after a family funeral in town. The next several pictures are of that afternoon. The building at House of Hope is coming slowly with the rains. Another roof is on and another room is being plastered. The first room now has it's floor poured too. House of Faiths maize crop loved the fertilizer it received mid January and is now making cobs of corn. We decided to plant sweet potatoes and beans in the garden this year looking forward to seeing what they will do in March. We received two new children this month both boys. Chabota came to us after his mother was found dead early morning after complaining of chest pains the night before. He is 18 months old and does not like white skinned people just yet. :) Mama Mary has done a wonderful job helping him feel welcomed in his new home. Baby Peter is just two weeks old and his mother is having mental problems. We are caring for Peter becasue he needed a place of safety. We will sit with his family at the end of March to see our way forward with Peter. We are praying his mother can be helped and can care for him again soon. Traveling out last week we saw a rainbow! Michael saw a dung beetle as we where going to House of Faith. I look ahead as to where we are going and somehow he always sees little animals on the road . As we traveled to the House of Hope there are rivers and streams that overflow. Michael got us across without problems and also helped a young man on a bicycle up the hill with his loaded bicycle. These are a few pictures of the kids holding a valentines heart. They are all special in HIS sight! Michael has been out teaching two weeks a month even in all the rain! It has been a challenge just staying dry but all three classes are moving well. I spent a lot of time in Kalomo this past month becasue of the rains and not wanting to travel out alone in the mud and cross the high river. Hoping to have more pictures and stories for you next month. Thanks for prayers!
Just before New Years Eve I found my Christmas Flower not far from the river crossing . It's called a Flame Lilly! So beautiful.... Michael and I started off our New Year with a Sunday service at Bulyambeba PWC and His MOT MOT graduation following the service. 17 graduates and a feast for the 250 to 300 invited guests. It is about a 2 1/2 hour drive but anyone else driving other than Michael and it could be 3-4 hours. :) We had to cross a river to get there always a bit of excitement in Sunday dress clothes. Michael stepped in with the graduates, never seen him do that before but he did pretty well.... Two steps forward and one step back as they entered the church. Michael and his interpeter. What a great team. There was singing and testomionoes from many of how the Lord has blessed them with this knowledge they have received. We are looking forward to see this area grow ! The cooking team killed a cow and about 20 chlcken's, there was rice and noodles shema and the best bread buns I've had in a while. Cokes and sprites were also served. It was a FEAST! Then it was gift giving time.... what a wonderful time that was had by all who attended. New Years 2017 started out wonderful. It was almost 5:00pm when we departed and the clouds were forming... The Lord blessed us to get back across the river without trouble, we arrived home after 7pm. Michael stayed ahead of the rain. January starts our school year in Zambia so I am busy checking in on Extended Care children and shopping for needed uniforms and school supplies. We checked in on Komona and found the dirt road had changed a bit from last year and were lost. We stopped by a well and ask if the children knew her Yes she is there and they all pointed. We finally found her and I was so blessed she is doing well in school and has so many friends. Her grandparents told us she loved school. We gave her a Christmas package full of treats and a new dress. I do love when I check in on children who have gone back to their relatives and everything is going well. Building is moving again at House of Hope! We are trying to have this building completed and ready for 2017 teams. We are also excited for Sheri's arrival in June. Septic system is completed and trenching for water lines are also dug waiting for pipe. We traveled out to Chief Chikanta's area to bring 1st term supplies for the Village Hope Feeding Program that Global Orphan Relief is supporting. It had rained and well it was a muddy bumpy ride out and back in. The river this time was much worst and deeper than New Years. Michael shocked me walking the river to find the best place to drive across and then he went a way he did not walk ! Oh what excitement we both felt when we made it to the other side. He looked at me and said not sure why I did that. Two of Michael's MOT MOT graduates are in charge of over seeing the feeding program. It is so far for us to travel it is a blessing to have the communities help with the Lord's work. They are brother's Peter and Dan, then a group at each site for cooking and sharing the word with the children daily. We helped Peter with a good Bicycle to allow him to travel faster. I was out checking in on the Children's maize (corn) and found them singing as they worked.... Our Co/op in the village has been late this year getting seeds and fertiliizer so it has just arrived on the 11th of Jan. I bought the children seeds early so they could plant and that maize is hungry for fertilizer. Michael has a busy month teaching so we went to House of Faith on a Saturday to finish the solar well connections so the trench could be covered. He will be testing this month just two hours a day. The ladies have the keys and will switch on about 8:30 every morning. Washing clothes always takes a lot of water so this will refill the tank easily we are hoping. February the final plan should be in place. If Michael did not know what to do around here it would be difficult to get any thing done. So blessed he knows so much and thankful. Always little ones watching Uncle Mikes every move. This is Munsanda our newest little boy who arrived in October. He is growing up so fast! As Michael was finishing his solar pump connections I heard thunder in the distance and was wondering if the storm would move in on us.... It did about half way out the water was moving in our tracks and I was thankful HE was driving. We made it safely home.... Another day working in the Kingdom. Shopping with three more Extender Care kids and thanking the Lord they are doing well and are ready for another year of school. Sharon Castro and Livity will all be in grade 9 this year. Without this help of uniforms shoes school supplies and school fees they would not be attending school. We have been blessed the rented house in Kalomo for our grade 8-12 kids was big enough to make a bedroom out of the dinning room to house the extra children this year. Michael and the boys put up two pieces of partical board and we covered it with a curtain. You can not even tell and we can house 6 more children with the extra bedroom. Our 6 new children are excited to be in town and have been preparing themselves to study hard. Mama Benita does a good job with them and they all have to sign a contract so we are all clear what is expected of them. Michael had a rainy week teaching Mot Mot in Monda and even had to use an umbrella to keep the papers from getting wet inside the church. This is turning out to be a good rainy season. We traveled back to Lusaka to Beit Cure Hospital with House mom Mary Victor and Mackmore for a review. It was found after Victor's surgery last month. He does not have Tracheomelaciaot PTL and does not need to return. We just need to keep working with him. Mackmore's new hearing aids volume was reduced and the Dr feels maybe early next year his opened eardrums can be closed. I will be so blessed to have our Lusaka trips over with! It is always a major planning to get the children out of the village travel early to get to Lusaka by 9:00 then wait to be seen. Then shopping for items needed in the capital then back to Kalomo, then back to the village. Keep Victor and Mackmore in your prayers for total healing in their bodies. I had one day to shift gears and prepare for the last Village Hope site visit for their 1st term feeding program. It had been raining all week and I kinda felt we should plan another day. After looking at our schedule there was no other day until mid February! Michael said we must go.... we departed at 5:30 am on our journey and I decided to take items for sandwiches, water, sweatshirts just in case we ran into trouble with all the water. I ask if he thought we could take the short cut fearing the river crossings would not allow us to pass. He said he was not yet sure. As we crossed over the Kalomo River ( it was moving fast and overflowing it's banks) he knew we could not go the short cut... so he had never traveled the long way around so again a new adventure. We stopped several times asking for directions from people walking in the rain covered in plastic. About 3 hours into our trip I ask Michael if we had reached a slippery area becasue I felt the back of the vehicle was sliding a few seconds later I thought we had dropped into a deep hole until I saw our back tire pass us ! My heart beat a bit faster as I saw the back of the vehicle. I walked back trying to find any lugs or parts and only found the small hub cover. Michael got out the jack retrieved the tire from the field and took a lug from a couple of tires and from the spare to get the tire back on. The brake cover was really damaged so he did what he could and decided to work on it more after arriving at the church. It was raining pretty hard.... another 1 hour and 15 mins we arrived at the church and we were 1 hour and 45 mins late! I thought no one thought we would be coming so now what! Then the community came out of the church with smiles saying they knew Michael would come.... He took the tire back off and beat the brake cover so it could not cause trouble and we were on our way to the last site. The next few pictures are from our travels in the rain and high water. Michael helped pull out a Lorry full of maize! Because of all the rain our planned meeting at the school was not organized well. The head master had to travel out and children have to cross a stream to get to school so many where not there. Peter and Dan will go back in a couple of days to make sure everything is in place. Just thankful we got the food and supplies out so the program will start on time. It is a beautiful area with rolling hills and valleys. We saw so much maize, ground nuts, sweet potatoes and sunflower being grown. The Lord is blessing with a wonderful rainy season this year! Thanks for prayers. Every time we travel places I find something or someone that touches my heart in a very special way. I met this little girl when we interviewed back in November for the Village Hope program. Her grandmother told me she had been bitten by a snake and her arm had grown together. I ask if she was able to see a Dr and she said no we don't have transport money to Choma. Michael and I gave her the money to go to Choma and see what could be done for this precious little girl. Peter and Dan ask the grandmother to bring her to see me when we last visited. They had traveled and the Dr wrote a letter for them to be seen at Monze Hospital but again they had no money for the 5 hour journey. We prayed with them and gave the money needed for their trip along with some extra for food becasue they could be there for days if a surgery could be done. I look forward to the day I can show you a picture of this little one with a healed arm.... She gave me the biggest hug and was very shy with I gave her a big kiss on the cheek. Our God is so GOOD! Mama Benita who oversees our Town house of students in grades 8-12 has truly blessed me with finding places for all 6 of our new students in town. It is not an easy task because all returning students get first choice and then if a space becomes available a new student can be received! Thank you Mama Benita for your hard work and love of the Lord and our children. Michael found a child in need of help while teaching MOT MOT before Christmas with a large head and a open sore on it's back. We have helped now with two trips to Lusaka and are waiting for news. Seems the first Hospital Beit Cure referred the mother and child to another Hospital in Lusaka. Keep this sweet one in your prayers also. Michael wore his shorts knowing he would have to walk across and changed into his Sunday pants for church once we arrived... Our rains have been so good the last couple of weeks it has been difficult to travel in the rural areas, rivers flooding over their blanks has been a real problem. We shopped for monthly supplies for House of Faith and we waited another day praying the river would be down so we could cross. Our house mothers were getting a bit nervous becasue transporters were not able to drive into town. We got to the crossing and it was not chest high as it had been . The next couple of pictures are of the crossing and the last picture is the grass on the trees the water was almost to the top of those small tress. It did roll over the hood of the defender :) as we crossed so still many vehicles will not be able to use this route. Church was good and we were blessed to see many even for Sunday School. They now have a shelter for our Children's services. I was so thankful we got most of the monthly supplies out for the ladies and I heard thunder and saw lighting in the distance. Said a prayer Lord thank you we got here and please help us get back to town. The trip back a bit over an hour each way was good until we came near a run off area that was fine when we went out but now flooded. So again Michael walked it to be sure of were to drive this time in his long church pants. Thankful the water just rolled up against the hood and we crossed with out problems. We are so blessed with his help of getting around in rainy season. There were two small cars waiting becasue they could not cross until the run off went down. Sometimes it takes hours. Our House of Faith children received their fertilizer and I was thankful it has started to grow again. Praying it will be a great harvest! Coming back into town I saw a flower I see every year during rainy season but this year it was more burgundy in color than I have ever remembered before. It was beautiful! You just have to love rainy season for all the beautiful things we see. Even if travel is harder.
I spent the day checking in on our Global Orphan Relief school programs in the valley to be sure how the year would end for the kids. Seems they are doing well and maybe only 3-4 might not make it. I did not find all the children becasue of the time I visited but it was a good group I got to share with. I am looking forward to seeing them again in Jan 2017 when the New School year begins. The Lord is so good! Our second trip to Lusaka for Victor' Adenoid surgery went well even though they canceled the surgery at the last minute becasue of his breathing. House mom Mary was told to return in 10 days. When I arrived thinking Victor should be out of surgery any time I found them packed and ready to depart. What is happening... I ask. I sat and waited for the Dr to speak with me after all the other morning surgery. He told me it was found his breathing was bad and they felt he could not be put under. I shared with him his breathing was really good and he had just come off an antibiotic just Monday before the Wednesday surgery, If this was not good for surgery then maybe he can not have the surgery. He checked his file and found no fever two days before surgery and no fever now. He shared a little boy was fighting for his life becasue he had a throat condition that Victor was thought to maybe have. It would be dangerous to put him under. I shared I did not want him to be put in any danger but if they were waiting for his breathing to become better It did not get any better than this right now today. He share he would give a bit of meds to check his throat before putting him under to make sure the tube for surgery would not give him any trouble and if things looked ok they would go forward at the afternoon surgery session. Mama Mary and I prayed and waited and waited. He returned about 5:00pm very sleepy still and the surgery was a success. His breathing sounded better already. The Dr was very busy and Michael needed me to pick him up at the Church Conference He was attending so I will need to get details of what they found in Victor's throat on our review appointment in Jan. When we first received Victor the Dr thought he had a rare case of Tract . Thankful to get this updated from the Dr in Jan and so Thankful he is not a CP child... Pray for this little guy to keep moving forward. Just before the rains you can see popping out all around the bush the most beautiful red snowballs. As we travel from place to place I look to see how many I can spot. I found these on the way to the children's home :) I have met again with Olivia this month and she is improving nicely . I shared she needed to thank the Lord for her life, she could have departed this earth with her blood so low. I was very happy to find her and her sister in Church Sunday. I know the Lord has a plan for her... praying she will see it what ever it may be. Remember that shipment of clothes from The Celebration Center? Well we have started passing them out to the children. I was so blessed with the truly amazing gift that we have received. So many items that were sent are so hard to find at the market still in good condition. I am even set for our winter months June July and August with the hooded sweatshirts, socks, underwear and winter PJ's. What a blessing. A huge box of cloth diapers plastic pants and baby clothes of all sizes.... The first pictures are at House of Hope receiving their clothes. They will be looking so nice for Christmas Thank you Celebration Center for this huge blessings of NEW Clothes for our children. Michael had to go and check in on a project by the Lake and said lets take the children... I thought the Discovery was not big enough but there is always room for one more here and we got every one in. They had a great time playing in the sand and the water. Seems we could tell this was something they missed that Sheri did with them each week. When we arrived back to the children's home they requested to have their Christmas party Lake side... So we said Lake side it will be :) Many of our House of Faith children are visiting relatives for their holiday month so I started giving out clothes from The Celebration Center and then decided to wait until Christmas when all the children would be there. Here are a few pictures of what we did do. The rest will happen just before our Christmas party. We have upgraded our chicken shelters for the rainy season and are proud to say we now have over 60. We are just doing it the village way and that number does not count our little ones :) Not sure how this guava tree survived it was planted years ago and the cows and goats ate all the rest but this one right beside the garden is finally producing Fruit! We are so thankful for the fence all around us now that keeps the animals out and we have more trees planted... While in Lusaka for Victor's surgery our kids at House of Faith plowed and planted with our first rains. So excited the children are learning first hand what is needed to grow a crop. This past week we took a look at their field and we saw Green corn popping up all over their field. The will plant sunflower after Christmas. Michael and Justine cut some BIG branches in the tree near our solar pump house. I just missed them up in the tree sawing but you can tell this was a big job. Michael is happy we will receive the most sun possible on our solar panels now. Royal seems to be struggling to wear his new leg braces more than 20 mins at a time. Mama Daisy said maybe once a day he can for wear them up to 40 mins or so without complaining. Mama Daisy now has a book to log into what is happening each day so we can report to our PT our first week in January visit. I found some leggings in town to help protect his legs from the braces and he loves his new shoes we got him in Lusaka. Keep Royal in your prayers as we try and move him forward in life. After we returned from Lusaka I started shopping for our Christmas Celebrations at both House of Faith and House of Hope. Treat bags full of sweets and goodies. Staff gifts and shoes for all the children. 90 treat bags total. I put their names on the bags so the children know if it is theirs. I learned this lesson the hard way one year. Thank you again Engedi Church for all the footballs you have brought us. The children love school breaks and play time. Michael's Sundays out have been great this month! Testimonies of the Lord's goodness abound. With rainy season it gets interesting traveling out on Sundays with overflowing rivers and slippery paths. Thankful in almost 23 years here we have never been stuck so bad (yes we have been stuck) that we had to stay overnight in the bush :) He has truly been with us. Back in November I ask our creative teacher Ronald if he thought he could make a manger or a shelter out of our solar panel cardboard boxes. He said he would give it a try and see what he could do ... Well to my surprise several of our boys helped him come up with just what was needed for our Christmas program! Complete with animal poop :) December is always a busy month preparing for everything needed for Christmas at both sites.It normally keeps my mind busy so I don't think of missing family to much but it has been harder this year, maybe I am just getting older and as I look back I am one blessed lady who can work for the King but my thoughts go toward all I have missed in my families lives. Pray for me this new year that I will have peace where the Lord has planted me. Back to Christmas. The children received their new shoes and more new clothes from The Celebration Center in Richmond VA. They loved showing them off in front of the camera. What a amazing gift this shipment of clothing has been and will continue to be into 2017. The past several years a donor has sent us $1000 to divide among our house mothers to help with their seeds and fertilizer . They each receive $100 in Kwacha and the left over money is divided between our other staff at both sites. What a blessing this has become and a wonderful help for our house moms who are widow's. You can see the joy on everyone's faces moms and staff... Thank you so much for this gift of love for the moms who love and raise our kids. Our oldest worker who walks each day to wash our children's clothes at one of our houses was so excited for her special blessing she jumped up to give a shout of praise and Thank you! We then gave out staff gifts and house mom gifts.... Michael opening our time together before our Christmas play with our teacher Ronald. We then saw Mary and the angel appeared before her and then Joseph. Joseph fell to his seat when the angel appeared! Then we heard a noise at the back and Mary and Joseph entered and Mary was on a donkey :) Such excitement was in the room! Joseph is our strongest young man and he was a wonderful donkey for Mary, another noise at the door and we saw our young children as sheep with the shepherds seeing the star! All the children did a great job! Sacha was a great angel. Then it was time for treat bags and CAKE. Christmas here in Zambia has always been a big Christmas meal, a new piece of clothing and maybe new shoes and if you also received Chocolate CAKE and sweets it was complete. Our children are very blessed to receive them all. They even have special fritters Christmas morning with powered sugar :) kinda like a donut. We had 4 extended care kids come to our Christmas party. Our young men are growing up fast! Blessing, Castro and Dereck. Namoia also atteneded but I missed her for a picture. My camera is not working well and getting family house pictures was not easy but this is what I have. Mama Mary's house Joseph was not with us . Mackmore was taken to the Hospital after our Christmas party with an infection in his eyes. Drops were given but he could barely open his eyes for our party. Mama Daisy's house Chimuka was not with us. Mama Ethel's house Mama Rita's house Our two boys who had been visiting relatives Chimuka and Joseph who missed group pictures. Our trip was delayed Friday to the valley so we had to go early Christmas Eve to House of Hope. It's a HOT place so we needed to arrive early for games Lake side before it became to HOT. The children had a wonderful time running and jumping. Most of the activities were very close it was girls against boys :) before we departed they received their Christmas shoes and I passed out staff gifts. Mama Lizzy was also blessed with her Christmas money from the states. We saw in the distance a few older men watching what we might be doing and then a crowd of about 12 younger boys sat and watched us. I ask the children if we should invite the boys to also play with us? They said YES so we did games again with the extra children. Then lolly pops and bubble gum for everyone becasue everyone was a winner :) After our second set of games had finished Uncle Mike shared the Christmas story with everyone and mama Lizzy made sure they all understood the story. The boys ask if they could meet us again tomorrow morning for some more Christmas FUN. It was a special time Lakeside Christmas Eve 2016. Over the years when our children were small if we were near water Michael would always say just let them get their feet wet! It's still true today before we departed he said the children need to just get their feet wet.... as always a few got more than their feet wet :) becasue a splashing event started and well my second camera decided it was time to die so I missed that picture. One camera at each site this Christmas very strange. Mama Lizzy and her kids Christmas 2016 in their new Christmas clothes. I have been blessed to have Michael in Kalomo for Church services two Sunday's in a row. Because of camera problems I have not been able to find a few pictures of the new Church plant here in Kalomo but these are of the main Church. Very different than the grass sheltered churches he normally attends in the village. Christmas service was wonderful. Michael and I were both blessed.
I received a call from one of our housemothers at 11:00pm that Olivia's grandmother had called with a request of transport Olivia was seriously ill. I have trouble finding her in the light so I knew I would have trouble in the dark. We called a local transporter and he went to pick up Olivia and her grandmother. They arrived at the Hospital about 3:00 am and were given a room to rest until the Dr arrived. When I arrived in the morning I found them waiting for Lab work to be done before the Dr would see them. When I returned with Lunch I found her hemoglobin was a 3.7 WOW what a miracle she was alive. They gave her a unit of blood and she waited until the next morning to make sure there was no reaction. She was never admitted just given a room to rest in. After talking with the family it was decided she would stay with her sister in town to make sure if she needed medical care she would be near. Global Orphan Relief is providing good nutritious food and a medicine to boost iron. I look forward to checking back in with her soon to make sure she is on the right path for healing. Olivia is one of our extended care kids, she is almost 21 and HIV positive. On one of my trips out I found Victor trying to walk with a chair! Keep your prayers for him coming he is improving... Solar upgrades at House of Faith continue into November. Our builder was taking some time off to he help rural churches roof their buildings before the rains. Because he was in our area he built our pump house. It will protect the well and solar pump. Michael had an idea to use the solar panels as the roof of the building and he built the building high so it would be very hard for the panels to be taken. It has it's own look but is so functional. Next are several pictures of our pump house I found House of Hope kids going to school later in the day becasue of their schools grade 7 testing. The are growing fast :) Some of our House of Faith children! Full of life they are :) After building the solar pump house Golden added 10 more solar panels to the roof of House of Faith's Activity Center. Thank you Engedi for your blessings to our children. We are searching for some more items needed before they can be connected and used but at least they are on the building! I have been trying to line up a trip to Lusaka since June of this year. I needed Mackmore to see the ENT Dr and I needed Royal to be seen to have leg braces made and hand splints. I thought I would also bring Victor since we had been given two very different problems with him from two different hospitals. Well it was set up three different times and for one reason or another it did not happen. I was so blessed it finally happened this past week all three boys and two house moms traveled with us for a three night four day adventure to Lusaka, Zambia's capital. Biet Cure Hospital is a very nice place to care for special needs that are not available in most of the country. The next two pictures are of Royal. The first picture is how his legs are the second picture is his legs with his new braces. We were told Royal should wear these leg braces the whole day. He can only wear them about thirty minutes then we have to take them off and again put them on. He complains so we know he will have to work up to longer sessions slowly. Another step to have him walk. Keep the ladies in your prayers as they also learn new things to help the children. I did not get a good picture of his hand splint but he only needed one he is improving use of his hands. He has to wear this every night. Mackmore was being checked to see if it was time to close his perforated ear drums. Our Dr said nothing of a surgery but wanted his hearing checked again.He was so cute smiling with his head phones on and the waiting for a sound to drop the ball in the bucket. But after a few minutes he got to excited and just started putting the balls in the bucket. So a ABR test was ordered for the next morning. They put him under and recorded his brain waves to the sounds that was played. Because of this test his hearing aids can now be adjusted to fully help him hear. He does not have trouble with high sounds but the low sounds of normal talking he can hear nothing. Keep Mackmore in your prayers! Victor was also seen by the ENT Dr. and she has him scheduled for adenoid surgery on the 1st of Dec. She will also use a scope to see his throat and find out what is happening with his breathing. We shared he was diagnosed with CP while in Livingstone Hospital. She sent us to UHT University Teaching Hospital across town for an appointment the next morning with a neurologist. What a blessing there was an opening so we did not have to make another trip to Lusaka. What i was told might take an hour turned out to be almost 4 hours. We talked with several people and it seemed we were ask the same questions.... We were very blessed with the results that he is not a CP child but is developmental slow becasue of his severe Malnutrition his first two years of life. We have been told to stop the PT but work with him on his walking and speaking. Before his surgery on the 1st of Dec Mama Mary and Victor will sit with a speech therapist at Cure to learn how we can work with Victor to speak. He does not make a sound right now. Pray for Victor's surgery to go well and for us to learn how to help him! We PTL he is not a CP child. The next picture is of his hearing test and the picture after that was at UTH with the neurologist . I am so Thankful so much was accomplished in four days with the three boys. While in Lusaka we received a call that a shipment of clothes for the kids had arrived!! This does not happen normally for something to arrive as planned but PRAISE THE LORD ! I had shared two trips with the church that I would be in Lusaka if they thought they could ship around those dates. The Celebration Center worked very hard to collect new clothes and other items needed for each of the children at both Children's homes. When they went to mail them it was 400lbs total and very expensive. A shipping Company was found to get the clothes to Zambia but they could only come into the capital Lusaka. We are so blessed to have received the boxes in record time and they are stored at the Baptist Mission until our next trip up to Lusaka for a Church Conference. With the three children and two mom's there was no space to haul them. I am so excited to see their faces when they receive their special packages of NEW clothes in Dec. Thank you Celebration Center for your love and support of our kids. Pictures will come next month of this very special event :) We try not to travel late at night but becasue of the clearing of the clothes in Lusaka and the two unexpected Dr.s appointments Friday morning we found ourselves leaving Lusaka at 6:00pm We arrived in Kalomo a little before midnight after dropping the moms and the children at their relatives in town. We thought we would sleep in Saturday morning and then carry the children back to House of Faith. I received a call a bit before 8:00am that Faith who is not yet 1 year old. was having trouble breathing and needed to come into town to the Hospital. Michael went out and brought her and mama Ethel into Kalomo and she was later admitted. It sounds kinda like Asama. Keep Faith in your prayers for total healing. Later that day I traveled out to take everyone home from our Lusaka trip. Royal and Mackmore were so excited to be home again. The picture is of Faith. Faith was released from the Hospital mid day Monday after they watched her closely and bless her heart she had so many injections in three days. Her review is next Monday and we are praying for a full recovery. On my way back to Kalomo after taking Mama Mary and Faith home clouds were forming.. We have had a few sprinkles but no real rain to produce puddles or cause problems with the roads. Well I traveled back with rain and puddles. The first rains are always so amazing the smell the coolness. After no rain for 7 months it is very special and I always want to just walk in it and Thank HIM for it even though I am not a mud driver :) Now that the rains have started Michael is trying new ways to keep his bed dry in the tent. Seems the extra canopy did the job it rained several days this week during mot mot classes. Mot Mot students in Monde! Bulyambeba mot mot students who will graduate on the 1st of Jan. They have worked hard. Olivia is making a recovery, the young lady at the beginning of my post this month. Keep her in prayers...She was very happy when she visited me and wants to stay in town with her sister. She will need to support herself, so many prayers are needed. Happy Thanksgiving to you all! It's hard at holiday times to be away from family. Michael was out teaching MOT MOT and I was out several days with House of Faith and House of Hope kids. No Black Friday sales here so Saturday I did make us a Pecan Pies so we could be thankful with a sweet treat that reminds us of home. May the Lord bless you each and every one.
The afternoon of our arrival back into Zambia I had a visitor at the gate with news of a baby needing help. It was arranged to meet with the family at House of Faith. Seems the mother was fine after the birth of Musunda and just two weeks after she died. It was very sad talking with both sides of the family. They had been given infant milk but were struggling to keep the baby. The older Auntie looking after the baby looked exhausted. Because it was a Saturday we received the baby under the conditions I needed to present the case to Social Welfare and we would meet again next week to hear the results of my call and sign paperwork if it had been approved. It was approved and the family was so blessed. We are hoping after the baby stage Musunda will return to his family. He is a precious little boy. Michael went out his first Saturday back to finish organizing for a orphan relief program in Chief Chikanta area. We are so blessed to be working with area churches in several communities to help these precious children with a hot meal each day and maybe some school fee assistance . This is the committee who is helping to organize the new programs. Six different churches are working together as the body of Christ! Sunday services are still in a different church each week for Michael. I stay back in Kalomo so I have phone service in case I am needed to help with the children. I have started attending a new church here in Kalomo with friends who just graduated from Bible College in July. Keep Kelvin, Azuria and their family in your prayers as they start a new work for the Lord here in Kalomo. We just received a new baby bull from Mission Of Love. Thanks Jako and Amber for another blessing that just keeps increasing.... Our last work team brought out really wonderful bags filled with everything a girl needs to go to school with confidence during her time of monthly cycles. We had a talk with our older girls and they were so excited for this special blessing. Thanks team Engedi House of Hope activities and team accommodations is moving slowly. Our builder is blessing area churches with his knowledge of roofing their church buildings before the rains arrive. The septic system is complete the side roof is on and plaster has been put in the small side room. The electrical box has also been installed and ready for power. With the overhang of the roof on this building it is keeping the very bright sun off the bricks and the place is so much cooler in a VERY HOT place. We departed early with supplies for Bulyambeba to interview and set up for the first orphan feeding program. I was wondering how our day would go and I was very blessed to find the group of area churches prepared for the day. The children and their relatives were waiting on us as we arrived before our 10:00am start. It is a far out place and the road is not so good the last hour drive. I felt all shuck up. The next few pictures are of that special event of interviews and the giving of supplies to start the program. 51 children were interviewed. Pots, storage containers, for beans and Kapenta, plates, salt, cooking oil, onions everything needed to start the program was given and Monday was set to begin. We traveled back out on Monday and again was blessed to see everything in order for a HOT meal. The children had smiles on their faces and their plates came back so clean we thought they had already been washed :) Michael was invited to a Livingstone District New Church plant. It is so wonderful to see new beginnings popping up all over Southern Province. Because the first Feeding program started so well we decided to help start two more. N'Gombe and Kashu. We interviewed 37 children in N'Gombe and 29 in Kashu. Again we took out supplies and shared with community leaders and Pastors. the next couple of pictures are of the leaders giving their love and time to feed the children each week. There are still 5 more areas the community has visited with names of orphans who could use a meal. We will access at the end of the month to see how things are going and maybe the other 5 areas might start in Jan 2017. Keep this new program in your prayers. Jesus Loves the little children. Michael again traveled far out for a service and the Lord blessed his people with many answered prayers. As we interviewed children in three different areas we came across two we thought needed our help. Seems a mother died just a week ago and her sister is caring for the 8 month old little girl. We are helping with Infant formula for a few months to see this family through. She is precious little girl. The other child was also a girl who had been bitten during her sleep by what the family thinks was a snake. The story was not to clear but the grandmother did not have transport money to take her to the Hospital. Her upper and lower arm had grown together becasue of the way she had held her arm from the pain and there was sores on her elbow. We gave the grandmother the money needed to take her to Choma Hospital and shared we would check back in on her next month. I am praying something can be done to help this little girl. Victor and Royal had a Physical Therapy visit this month and a new therapist shared a few new things to do with them both. We are always blessed to have people give us hope that one day these little guys will walk. It was a blessing to have them tell us everything we are doing is working but will just take time. Royal was able to put his feet flat on the floor with his knees straight :) I m still trying to get him to Cure Hospital in Lusaka for leg braces and hand splints. Everything has to line up for this trip because I am also seeing another Dr with Mackmore and Victor. Keep praying We have also hired Caroline to work with Royal and Victor. She comes 5 days a week 3 hours a day in the afternoons. Jo Anne had given some things to our moms to be doing with the boys. I found it was not being done everyday and felt this was to important to let slide. It has been working well so far. Royal spends time on a board playing in the sand and mud with his hands and some swing time in the tires then stander time again working with his hands. When I arrived back from the states the first thing he showed me was how he could raise his hand to his mouth several times in a row not missing his mouth. I knew he was proud of himself. Victor also gets a work out with sitting and standing from a small covered brick with his knees now working well together. playing with blocks in a pouch getting them out and putting them in. Kicking a ball while sitting in a small chair. Victor is scooting... he does not crawl but has started getting around moving his legs and bottom to kinda scoot.... I was so surprised to see this new activity he has started.
September has been a very special month for us! We did something we have never done before in our almost 23 years in Zambia. Michael's family had been planning a surprise 80th Birthday celebration for his dad for almost 1 year in advance hoping to get us all together in one location. We have seen family each trip back but it has been individually and not all of us at the same place at the same time. They pulled it off! Two cottages were rented on the Outer Banks of NC and plans started taking shape. We organized everything here for a month away and I was so blessed on my return to see how everyone had worked together. Everyone was at the beach except Pam and Mario's family from Germany and Lanie's husband who is in the Coast Guard. They just could not work it out to be with us. There was 40 of us total! The Lord is so good! Michael's dad was told he was going to have lunch with new friends he met at church and a suitcase for his weeks stay was secretly packed and put in the trunk. Kathy did a great job keeping things a secret and getting him there. We made some new family memories and hope to do this again in the future. When my mom found out about this Birthday Celebration for Bobby she got excited to be able to see all our family together and planned a Sunday Church service and lunch to try and get with her side of the family. What a wonderful Berry reunion we had, it just wasn't long enough. My brother even surprised us with a long weekend visit from MI. Michael and I were blessed to attend his 40th class reunion in Elizabeth City on the 3rd of September. It was wonderful for him to see old friends and enjoy hearing all the wonderful reports of how his class was being used for the Kingdom. I believe there are 9 preaches in the group. We also enjoyed a Sunday Breakfast and Church Service with some of the visiting out of town group. I so enjoyed my Mamie time with our 7 grandchildren and missed the others from Germany. One day I am still praying to have us all together. It was surely a month of family fun! I am sorry this blog was late. Since we arrived back in Zambia the end of September our internet service is still not up and working. I am having to be creative to get this posted. We were so excited and blessed with a team of 6 from Engedi Church. They played with the children, painted, shelled maize (corn), went out on a Jesus Film showing visited a local church on Sunday morning and shared a worship service with our kids before going to Livingstone for a couple of days of fun. Thank you Team Engedi! The next several pictures are of the team and our fun at House of Faith. We had so much fun traveling with our 7th graders to share the Jesus film at Swart Farm for a group of children who requested to see the film. It was COLD.... Worship with the House of Faith Kids! Sitting singing English songs standing singing Tonga songs.... Sunday Church Service So very blessed with the clothes they brought for the children... This team did so much even painting our doors and bar doors, thank you team Engedi. Justine learned how to get BIG BUBBLES! We have been trying to get a project done since last January. We had problems with the barrels we bought and could not get them opened up to use. Michael finally used an electric saw with an invert-er using the vehicle battery and got them cut so they could not hurt the children. I wish I had a video with the sound the children made the first time they got on the barrels! What excitement of screams and laughter.... they were to be crawled through but turned out to be BIG swings.... Oh well as long as the children are enjoying the finished product. All the children where wondering just what Uncle Mike was doing with rope and barrels... BUT now they know and are so excited.... After the excitement went down a bit they were told only two people on top of the barrel and one inside... NO one is allowed to stand :) There have been three Jesus Films showings this month. We are still seeing this FILM touch so many lives for Jesus. Keep these new souls in your prayers that they can be disciplined and serve the Lord in their areas. As I was preparing the evening meal for the team I heard laughter and a yell. I went out to see what was going on at our open pit. To my surprise the boys had decided to run and jump in the shucks they had hauled over to put in the pit. Someone was under and someone jump in on top of them..... Always something happening when you are around 40 some children. House of Faith has been having water problems for a while and we have hosted two teams with very little water. So blessed for the help House of Faith has received from Engedi Church for a new well. Michael made contact with Global Samaritans Drilling team in July and shared that we needed a well drilled and a date was set. That date was the week Michael was out teaching and to our surprise we received a call back and the date was moved up so Michael could be around. What a great team to work with. WE GOT WATER! It was so awesome to lead these two BIG trucks out to House of Faith. After searching for water with medal rods a place was decided and drilling started. Our kids were so excited they wanted to be right beside the drillers... So thankful for our fence to make sure they stayed away from the heavy equipment. Water was found at 53 meters before their knock off time that afternoon but Michael requested for them to go deeper to see if a larger amount could be found. We need more WATER. The next morning they started about 6:30am and by 9:30 am good water was found at I think 63 meters. So blessed with the Global Samaritans Drilling Team There will have to be a shopping trip to Lusaka to purchase the Solar Pump and equipment to run it. Updates will follow..... Well Golden recovered from Malaria and did a great job with his team putting on a BIG roof at House of Hope. This is a new design by Michael to keep the SUN off the Bricks so they don't heat up so much. Time will tell if it works or not. There is a turbine in the top to keep sucking the hot air out. So our cross lighthouse design is getting a lot of local attention just like the House of Faith Activities Building received. The upper row of square openings in the roof is a loft area. So exciting.... This is what the roof looks like from the inside looking up :) Pretty Awesome. Gideon was holding onto the OX cart running with it as the boys were pulling it themselves to haul some bags of maize across the yard to another area. Well it went faster than he could run and he fell. There was really no swelling but he refused to stand and shared were his leg hurt. We came into Kalomo thinking the Xray machine might still be broken and we might have to go to Zimba. When we arrived late afternoon it was working . We saw a small crack on the Xray and he was plastered as they say here or a cast was put on. It has not stopped him one bit and he is all over the place but scooting on his bottom :) I got his picture this morning and he is such a cutie. Keep Gideon in your prayers he needs to keep this for 6 weeks. I know he will have to be re-plastered before his time is finished in the cast. Special letters arrived with the team for several children even some hair bows for the girls to share. I will be putting the pictures up in the activity center soon of all the fun things they did with the February Team who shared a VBS with them. Thanks Julie and Kaylee... When I do a double run with the boys for therapy I get the see the moon going down and the sun coming up all within my hour drive out. It was beautiful this morning. Again it was Physical Therapy time for Royal and Victor. I had a long talk with Frances and it was decided we could bring the boys every two months. We are now on the look out for another helper with the boys to make sure everything is getting done that needs to be done for them. Right now there are no tight muscles. Jo Anne started them on a new path and we want them to excel and be ready for even more. Frances showed us some exercises for Royal to try and strengthen his arms so he can better feed himself. We are also going to be looking for a way Victor can also use Royals stander. He really loves to SIT. We had almost a two hr appointment when Frances was the only one in the office and many were waiting. Thank you Frances for taking the time to help move our boys to the next step. Michael has been out for teaching and back home for the night then out with the Jesus Film it is just that time of year. He loves seeing new churches coming up. He has also been to several ordination celebrations. We are so blessed to see our friends moving on with the Lord. It's also Camp Meeting time and what a blessing to see several Churches come together to hear from the Lord. Mama Lizzy always has a beauty garden at House of Hope. Our February team sent out pictures with our July team of the kids while they had their VBS. I finally got them posted in the Activity center and the children love them.... Thanks Julie and Kaylee. We are putting up more fencing around the new borehole so when we receive the solar pump the area will be secure to get right to work on setting everything up. Septic System at House of Hope is almost ready for pipes then they can cover it up and it will be ready for use :) House of Hope kids writing Sheri letters! They really miss her... I wonder who taught them how to make silly faces for my pictures?
There is always something needed when you are working with children. We received a call on the 2nd of July from Mission of Love orphanage about an hour pass us at House of Faith. A family was in need of care for a 6 month old baby girl whos mother had just passed away from blood pressure issues. We made arrangements to meet and receive baby Faith. She is a precious baby girl who will be with us until the family can receive her back after her special needs have been met during her baby years. Keep Faith, her family and us as we care for her in your prayers. Our Edinah who we received on the 1st of January is really growing up fast. I thought you might like to see an updated picture and to know her father comes weekly to see and love on her. She will also return to family after her baby years. This is a wonderful way that House of Faith can help families and relatives to stay connected, helping children until they can be received back into their families. This is our little girl Broney who we received the first of June. She is also growing nicely. Again House of Faith will care for her until she can return to her family. What a blessing to be a part of the early lives of these children. We received Chipigo last year in June and he is such a big boy for 13 months. His grandparents visit him regularly and he is also a child who will return when they can receive him back. Every time I wanted to share our Physical Therapy room Jo Anne set up for Victor and Royal something happened and I was not there at the right time to find Flyness working with the children. The next couple of pictures is of that special room. Royal is always excited when he can put the block in the bucket :) The next picture is of him with his big smile after getting a very small cheerio into his month all by himself. Thank you Jo Anne for giving us a way to help Royal. Victor is finally getting around in his walker at House of Faith and even learning to feed himself, he is a bit messy still. He even got to Mama Mary's eggs last week and broke 10 of them :( The eggs are now out of reach for Victor. Our winter garden is finally producing .... the children are learning more and more. Michael, Sheri and I were able to attend PWC 49th Bible School Graduation in Jembo this month. A very special couple we know and love graduated. We look forward to all they will do for the Lord. Our grade 7's at House of Faith are studying for their 2nd term Exams. Our teacher Ronald is having them work a little around the Activity Center so their brains don't go into over load. Some time outside is always good and the area is looking so nice. Thanks Teacher for teaching all kinds of life skills along with our books :) Our visit to House of Hope to check in on construction and to see Sheri went well we just found Golden sick with Malaria. Sheri has been in the country since June but we have only seen her about a full day. :( The children are going to miss her again very soon as she continues to study and work in the DC area for her Masters. in Education Everything is on site and ready to go when Golden is feeling better. Next month you will see the roof finished.... The building is in the shape of a cross with a 2nd story lighthouse tower view of Lake Karbia. The tin for the roofing is already on site. Our Physical Therapy visit this month Victor refused to try and use the walker like he did for us last month. He was very surprised when they strapped him into this walker, He could not refuse. Keep praying for Royal and Victor. Their quality of life is on the line... Michael was asked to visit Chief Chikanta's area to see if we can help with orphans there. He is out again today to visit with the Chief himself after his site visit to share that we are Praying to see how the best way to help will be. Michael saw so many children who are orphaned and in some type of need. His pictures of the area touched my heart so we are praying, show us LORD how we can also be used in this area that has been brought to our attention. Pray with us please. The visit today went well with the Chief. Please continue to pray how we might be able to help in this needy area. Jesus Loves all the little children. Michael has been out with the Jesus Film a couple of weekends and every Sunday at a different church. Along with one week this month of MOT MOT. He was also invited to an ordination service. We are so excited to see many of his students from Mot Mot being Ordained. Men on one side, ladies on the other :) We are on our way out with a team from Engedi Church. Check back next month to see all that was accomplished at House of Faith.
My visit to House of Hope with winter clothes went well and all was found except church dresses for the girls and 4 long sleeve shirts for the boys. So blessed to have most everything handed out. Our two oldest girls helped me with the younger children having them try things on to make sure they fit and picked out what was needed. Thanks Faith and Terca! I arrived at House of Faith to find an outside classroom taking place ! I am seeing our kids expanding there views and their English is getting so much better. We are so blessed to have a great teacher stretching them and bringing them up. Thanks Ronald. It was time for another Physical Therapy visit with Royal and Victor this week. They had not been in since March becasue Jo Anne had been working with them one on one at House of Faith. I will post pictures of the Therapy room she set us soon. It was found that the boys were much stronger and Victor even took a few steps with a walker. Great news! Royal's core strength had increased and his hands opened easier. We will continue P/T monthly in Kalomo and they will continue daily at HOF. We received a call from a Pastor in Zimba District that someone in his church needed help with a newborn it's mom had just passed away and there was no milk for the baby. We received the 6 day old baby girl under emergency care until the family can meet with us and Social Welfare next week. Keep baby Broney in your prayers. I will update again after our meeting with family. (We did receive this precious baby girl ) Our team housing is moving right along at House of Hope and the roof has started. I am looking forward to what this building will look like. It is in the shape of a cross with a look out to see Lake Kariba. Even the steps going up into the Lookout are in a rounded shape. The roof has started and the septic is also being built. Golden is doing a wonderful job of building what Michael is seeing. Michael has started Jesus Film showings on the weekends far out in the villages so I go out to spend more time at House of Faith. Sometimes we watch movies on Saturday and I hope to start story time and learning more English songs also during these two days out. I always love hearing our kids sing and play the drums for the Church choir on Sunday mornings. I even found a surprise this Sunday out, Justine was working with the children during Sunday School. I will have an update on Justine this month. Thank you for your prayers for him back in January. The Lord answered. He is doing much better and back on track. I have a crazy story of 6 boys thinking they can do anything! I noticed some boys were missing at dinner time from Mama Mary's home and ask questions. Seems they went to dig Sweet Potatoes nearby after choir practice. I also found out some of our older children had planted all by themselves. I was happy they are learning new things and taking responsibility. Well it was dark and still no children so we went looking and found them not far away with two half bags of Sweet Potatoes and a bucket full of honey and bees! BEES what have you all been doing... Well it seems Joseph had been with Justine when he thought he had learned what to do to get honey and the boys helped him after digging sweet potatoes. Bees are not very active after dark and we are in cold season so this allowed the children to get the honey combs with the bees still on them. . After church on Sunday Joseph went with some smoke to try and get the HONEY. It was 2:00 in the afternoon and the 100's of bees were very active around the honey not like the night before. We had a issue to attend too... I was told to not pull the plastic cover off becasue the sun would dry out the honey. Rockiner and Ethel decided to put the combs of honey in a closed bucket so the bees would depart. I went and got a head net someone had left behind from a team and she put it over her head and the other lady put on an raincoat with a hood. These brave ladies got the job done and I think the children learned a few Honey BEE lessons. Just because you have watched someone do something doesn't mean you know how to do it yourself. Michael and I for years have wanted to take the kids to the Falls and the game park in Livingstone. BUT to travel with 40 to 60 people is difficult :) We decided last November that as the children graduated from Grade 7 we would take them for a Graduation Party Trip. Zambia had some drought last year and the falls had very little water in January and we wanted them to see it with WATER We took then this month and what a fun day it was. They had lunch at Hungry Loin a Chicken Fast Food place and saw the Mighty Zambezi River rushing over the Victoria Falls and why they have called it the Smoke that Thunders. We visited the Game Park and got Ice Cream as a final treat before heading back to Kalomo. They have written about their special day and I look forward to reading what they have written. Keep these kids in your prayers, as we walked through Shoprite (a large grocery store chain in Zambia) they saw things they had never even thought about before. I shared with them they each had a purpose and that all things are possible... The next several pictures is of our exciting day. I will have pictures made for them to help keep their memory. On the way down to the boiling pot some of the boys got to swing on a vine... After our walk back up from the boiling pot and bridge view everyone was tired and talked of the moneys on the trail... :) I even took this hike down! I have not been to the boiling pot in years and was surprised how well I did. Thankful it's cold season here:) The next few pictures are of our visit to the game park. I was excited to see them when they saw an Elephant for the first time :) Ice Cream before our journey back to Kalomo! What a great day.... We had a great Sunday Church visit to Swart Farm. It will always hold a special place in our hearts. Many of these people we met our first year here in 1994. Many have to work a couple of Sundays a month but they are faithful and the Lord has shown himself faithful to them. I am always looking for a deal to feed all the children and what a blessing I found this week at the market. PUMPKINS for about 50 cents each... We planted pumpkins but becasue of the early weeks of little or NO rain we only harvested about 6 from the field. I bought 50 pumpkins and the kids will have a great snack for weeks to come :) Well I told you I would share more on Justine this month. He is one of our young men who became very ill after Christmas and had missed some of his meds which he needs to take every day. We have seen so many wonderful things happen with him and I feel he has recovered and is helping us with our animals and other things through out the week that is needed. He is staying in our round house that was built for older kids who do not have a place to go back to. He is keeping his place very nice and neat. He is also molding his own brinks on Saturdays to build his own house nearby. We are helping him plan with a couple of men in the community to also have his own field this coming planting season.. Thank you for your prayers for Justine. He is on the right track into Life. While I was out this past week I found the younger children after class help Mama Daisy prepare her sunflowers. They beat them so the seeds fall out and then they are collected to bag up and take into town for pressing. Children learn a lot here at a young age. Michael and I were in Lusaka last week getting more material printed for MOT MOT classes and we bought the teachers ISchool tablet. I have been so excited and blessed to see our children grow in their love of learning with these tablets. Our teacher shared with me how blessed he was to receive the teachers material. I am looking into getting a few more tables and another teachers tablet for our preschool... Keep praying for our children and this new way of learning. ![]() Michael has been incredibly busy and is moving even more this month than last. After his two weeks of Mot Mot he is back to doing Jesus Film weekends and the District has added teachings during the day Saturday before the Film Saturday night and the main Sunday service. He is loving all the opportunities to work along side other leaders at new church plants far from the main road. Keep him and the other leaders in your prayers. Our latest picture of the cross building at House of Hope! Golden is learning so much and is doing a great job.
AuthorLinda Jones was a missionary for over 27 years. She went home to be with the Lord in June 2021. I'm her husband Mike, posting on her blog. Archives
October 2021
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